Sieviete / 23 gadi / Ūdensvīrs
Tagad viņa nav tiešsaistē. Pēdējā reize bija šodien.
Nosaukt | SmilingSalor |
Kur | Colombia |
Etniskā piederība | Latīņamerikas/Spaniešu |
Valodas | Angļu, Spāņu |
Izvēles | Biseksuāls |
Augstums | 164 |
Svars | 58 |
Krūšu lielums | Vidēja |
Ass lielums | Liels |
Incītis | Ar apmatojumu |
Matu krāsa | Rudmate |
Acu krāsa | Brūnas |
Par mani
I’m Sara – a curious soul with a passion for the extraordinary. Nature and insects are my silent companions, while my smile is my loudest statement.
A creator at heart, I dance through life’s ups and downs, my body is like a canvas with oriental sounds.
Though romance has its own rhythm, my heart is open to the endless dance of life’s adventures.
Above all, I'm just living life, learning, and growing each day.
Welcome to my room, a special place where we can be ourselves and enjoy some carefree fun!
Let's explore the unseen, embrace the unknown, and celebrate the beauty in every twist and turn.
Man patīk
When it comes to meeting someone new, what really makes me feel comfortable and happy is being able to be authentic and open. I value genuine connection and mutual trust because I believe it creates a space where we can both relax and enjoy the moment. This is some it turning me on a lot.
I love it when the conversation flows naturally and we allow ourselves to be ourselves without any pressure. Emotional connection and comfort are key for me to feel free and satisfied. Also learning new things and connecting with people also lift my spirits and keep my life exciting.
PDT. But I should confess that my achilles heel, its definitedly the oral play.
Man nepatīk
When meeting someone new, there are a few things that can really turn me off or make me lose interest. If the conversation feels forced or one-sided, it can quickly become a mood killer for me. I also find it challenging when someone is overly critical or dismissive of my thoughts and feelings; it creates a barrier that makes it hard to connect. If the person seems disinterested or doesn’t engage with genuine curiosity, it can make me feel undervalued and disconnected. Additionally, being around someone who tries too hard to impress or who is insincere can make me uncomfortable. For me, a lack of respect for personal boundaries or a rushed approach can definitely dampen my mood and turning me off.
PDT. What turns me off the most is when you ask me for something that doesn't satisfy me, that is, when you only think about your pleasure.
Ko jūs varat redzēt manā videoklipā
- Amerikānis
- anālā apmierināšana ar pirkstiem
- Lielpakaļas dūdiņa
- Lielpakaļas latīņamerikāniete
- sūkāšana
- atsūkāšana
- šovs kameras priekšā
- čatošana
- beigšana
- spermas šļāciens
- dejošana
- rotaļas ar dildo
- seks ar dildo
- izdrāšana ar dildo
- Angļu
- izbaudīšana
- pēdu sekss
- apmierināšana ar pirkstiem
- atkailināšanās
- Pilnībā privātie čati par 60-89 Žetoniem
- rīstīšanās
- Spēles
- Grupas čati par 20-39 Žetoniem
- Spalvaina peža dūdiņa
- Spalvaina peža latīņamerikāniete
- HD+
- Istabas Karalis
- Latīņamerikāņu dūdiņas
- lovense
- masturbešana
- Vidējpupainas dūdiņas
- Vidējpupaina latīņamerikāniete
- Privātie čati par 30-59 Žetoniem
- vagīnas berzēšana
- Ruda dūdiņa
- rīvēšanās
- Spāņu
- Skvirtojošas dūdiņas
- Skvirtojoša latīņamerikāniete
- izģērbšanās
- sūkāšana
- norīšana
- ķircināšana