
Sieviete, 27 gadi, Leo.

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Augstums (centimetrs)166
Svars (kg)65
Krūšu izmērsLiels
Dupša izmērsVidēja
Matu krāsaBlondīne
Acu krāsuBrūnas

Par mani

Hello, welcome to my room! I'm Katya. I am cool, sexy and insatiable in sex! I love to fuck, drink wine and eat sweets! I love the sun and the sea (humor)! I love cool men and life!


Hello, welcome to my room!

Man patīk

Men are gentle and strong. Your hands are so greedy, Everyone is trying to undress me. The lips are sweet, the s***ches are folding - I just want to fly to you! Here I am, embrace and rule! Own my body as you want! The bosom is waiting for you so wet -


Men are gentle and strong. Your hands are so greedy, Everyone is trying to undress me. The lips are sweet, the s***ches are folding - I just want to fly to you! Here I am, embrace and rule! Own my body as you want! The bosom is waiting for you so wet

Men are gentle and strong. Your hands are so greedy, Everyone is trying to undress me. The lips are sweet, the speeches are folding - I just want to fly to you! Here I am, embrace and rule! Own my body as you want! The bosom is waiting for you so wet

Man nepatīk

Cruelty! Rudeness! Stupidity! Don't be an asshole, or better yet, don't be a greedy asshole!

Ko var redzēt manos video

  • apmierināšana ar roku
  • atsūkāšana
  • beigšana
  • brutāla pišanās
  • čatošana
  • daikta sūkāšana
  • dejošana
  • dziļi rīklē
  • Istabas Karalis
  • izbaudīšana
  • izdrāšana ar dildo
  • izģērbšanās
  • locekļa atsūkāšana
  • lovense
  • masturbešana
  • Mobilā tiešraide
  • pišanās
  • rotaļas ar dildo
  • sapņošana
  • seks ar dildo
  • skvirtošana
  • Spēles
  • sūkāšana
  • vagīnas berzēšana
  • vagīnas drāšana